I hope you are having nice sake life. We have got 3 announcements to improve the service.
Since it’s major update, please check the following detail. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Release Friend Invite Function
Release on 1 Aug
The more you invite friends, the more you can get discounted. When they subscribe any plans through your invitation, you can get the credits to discount your next month. Of course your friend also can get credit.
As a mark of release, we will take a promotion.
Release promotion
Period:1 Aug – 31 Aug
Credit for inviter:$5→$10
Credit for guests:$10→$20
Please check more detail in this page.
Change Payment Schedule
Effective from Aug

To steadily offer limited sake, we will change the payment schedule. Currently, subscription fee of current month is deducted on 20th. It’s changed to 25th and fee of next month will be deducted. With this change, we can spare more time to find better breweries and sake. It’ll be effective from August, so please check the following schedule.
*It’s bit irregular only for August, since it’s migration month to the new schedule.
20th Closing subscription for Aug and Payment of Aug
24th Closing cancel and plan change for Sep
25th Sake delivery of Aug and payment for Sep

15th Closing subscription for Sep
24th Closing cancel and plan change for Oct
25th Sake delivery of Sep and payment for Oct

Revision of Subscription Fee
Effective from 20 Aug

Due to the intermittent appreciation of JPY, it’s getting harder and harder to find good quality of sake at same cost. Strong JPY effects not only buying sake but also all the importing fee. Besides, some additional cost for materials and chilled transportation are increasing. To offer better sake and service continuously, please allow us to raise $5 per bottle.
We are very sorry for this revision, but we assure more stable operation and higher quality of sake than before.
We hope we can have our member’s kind understanding.
・Basic / Monthly:$50→$55
・Basic / 6 month:$285→$314
・Special / Monthly:$100→$110
・Special / 6 month:$570→$627