As you may know, there are mainly 8 grades in sake and Junmaidaiginjo and daiginjo is the highest and most expensive grade. The grade and price is defined by the polish rate of the rice and its brand used for brewing, however the taste is not defined by only the polish rate for sure. It is effected by both brewing environment such as air, temperature, water and brewers’ skill.
Besides, Junmaidaiginjo and daiginjo tests brewers’ courage, skill, wisdom and experience, since brewing the highest grade’s sake is much more difficult and careful than brewing lower grade’s sake.
With these background, we sometimes feel disappointed against the quality of those highest grade’s sake due to it’s low cost performance. Some of popular labels are insanely expensive…
We believe It is natural to expect the surprise and inexpressible experience against those sake.
We SAKEMARU will deliver such an inexpressible totally new experience to our members.
PREMIUM plan will offer you a bottle of premium label and seasonal limited sake. Premium label we mean is limited Junmaidaiginjo which is seasonal or produced with special ingredients or specially customized for SAKEMARU or so.
SAKEMARU will offer you the best experience of premium sake with reasonable price.
With commemorating the release of PREMIUM plan, we will have a special promotion from 15 Nov. All the SAKEMARU member have chance to get the special gift. Please don’t miss this chance!
・Every month, deliver a 720ml bottle of premium junmaidaiginjo sake and a bottle of seasonal limited sake from different breweries.
・Brochure of the brewery and guide to enjoy monthly sake.
・Store two bottles of 720ml rare sake in snow dorm at 2nd month after your subscription and mature them for one year.
・Postage fee is inclusive
・$145/Monthly, $827/6 month

December for Christmas and New Year
Senkin Issei Junmaidaiginjo from Senkin brewery
Senkin is very famous for 100% domaine brewing style. All living things including human never survive without water. Water is the most important component for sake as well. 80% of ingredients of sake is water and rest of 20% is rice. They only use the rice grows in the rice field sharing the same water source with the brewery.
This label is also produced with domaine style. They polish the self-produced Yamadanishiki by 35% and brew with the water grows the rice up. The condensed rich but elegant aroma is distinguished. You definitely will be surprised at the flavor like high-grade honey.

January for Lunar New Year
Iwao Junmaidaiginjo Nama -黄金花- from Takai shuzo
To celebrate the Lunar new year, this should be appropriate sake. This is the label only designed for SAKEMARU members. Gold flakes are specially added in Junmaidaiginjo nama. The aroma of this sake is fruity and mild like a banana. Once sipping it, its rich umami taste influenced by rice spread all around your mouth. Anyway, the detial will be disclosed later!

Promotion of Dec(Christmas and New Year)
Discount of PREMIUM plan
・$15 discount for the 1st month of Monthly plan
・$30 discount for 6 months plan
・Subject to the PREMIUM plan members subscribe or upgrade from 16 Nov to 15 Dec

PREMIUM goods for PREMIUM plan members
Original brewery apron with your name for 2 PREMIUM plan members
We will produce your original brewery apron with your name printed in Chinese character. If you don’t have Chinese character, we will give you the meaningful your Chinese name.
・How to join
1. Take a photo of the scene how you enjoy your first premium plan
2. Visit SAKEMARU Facebook page
3. Post the photo and comment to SAKEMARU’s Facebook page
1. Take a photo of the scene how you enjoy your first premium plan
2. Post the photo and comment with #sakemaru
23 Dec 2016 to 15 Jan 2017
25 Jan 2017(With a sake of January)
*Winners will receive the gift without prior announcement.

Chrismas gift for members
Original cooler bottle bag made with Japanese classic paper
Outside of the bag is covered with beautifully designed all handmade traditional pager. Inside of the bag is covered with the quilting keeps the sake cool. This is the best and elegant choice to carry the fine sake to the party.
100 members
The member as of 15 Dec
25 Dec 2017(With a sake of Dec)
*Winners will be selected by lot
*Winners will receive the gift without prior announcement.

Promotion of Jan(Luar New Year)
Discount of PREMIUM plan
・$15 discount for the 1st month of PREMIUM/monthly plan
・$30 discount for PREMIUM/6 months plan
*Subject to the members subscribe or upgrade from 16 Dec to 15 Jan

PREMIUM goods for PREMIUM plan members
Usuhari Daiginjo Pair Glass for 2 members
These remarkable thin drinking glasses called “Usuhari” are each carefully hand crafted by craftsmen. They are born from the same techniques as making light bulbs. The feel of it in your hands, the sound the ice makes when it swirls in the cup and how fine the rim is are all exquisite and unique to this glass alone. This series appears to be extremely delicate but it can be handled with the usual care as other glassware.
Especially, this daiginjo glass is designed to prevent quick volatilization of aroma and you can enjoy daiginjo’s elegant aroma with swirling the glass slowly.
・How to join
1. Take a photo of the scene how you enjoy your first premium plan
2. Visit SAKEMARU Facebook page
3. Post the photo and comment to SAKEMARU’s Facebook page
1. Take a photo of the scene how you enjoy your first premium plan
2. Post the photo and comment with #sakemaru
23 Dec 2016 to 15 Jan 2017
25 Jan 2017(With a sake of January)
*Winners will receive the gift without prior announcement.
*Existing premium members also have chance to apply for

Lunar new year gift for members
Original cooler bottle bag made with Japanese classic paper
Outside of the bag is covered with beautifully designed all handmade traditional pager. Inside of the bag is covered with the quilting keeps the sake cool. This is the best and elegant choice to carry the fine sake to the party.
100 members
The member as of 15 Jan
25 Jan 2017(With a sake of Jan)
*Winners will be selected by lot
*Winners will receive the gift without prior announcement.

How to upgrade the plan
Monthly member
1) Login
1) Go to your personal page
2) Click the CHANGE button of Course area
3) At the next page, select the PREMIUM plan and complete payment
*Upgrading by 25 Nov is effective for December
*Upgrading by 25 Dec is effective for January
6 month member
Contact SAKEMARU through this form and tell us your phone number and request for upgrading plan.
*Upgrading by 25 Nov is effective for December
*Upgrading by 25 Dec is effective for January