No bacon and milk, but it’s very rich and heavy enough. It’s not just healthy food. Owing to tofu and soy milk, texture is very mild and creamy. Pairing with Junmai type sake, which have less fruity aroma but richness influenced by rice, is our recommendation.
Spaghetti 100g
Bacon 2 pieces
Onion 1/8
Garlic 1/2 cloves
Tofu 150g
Soy Milk 2 tbsp
Cheese Powder 2 tbsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Black Pepper a little
Egg 1/2
Yolk 1
Black Pepper a little
※Salt 1+1/2 tsp
※Olive oil 1 tbsp
How to cook
1. Wrap tofu with kitchen paper and remove its moisture
2. Mix the tofu with cheese powder, soy milk, egg, salt and black pepper
3. Slice onion
4. Boil spaghetti for 8-9 mins
5. Fry bacon with 2, then add 4
6. Put yolk and black pepper on it