Japanese call Whiskey Soda as “High ball“. Due to its casualty and low calory, people love to drink this simple cocktail instead of beer.
Sake industry is trying to break into this market. The number of breweries starting to release the specialized Sake for Sake with Soda is increasing.
Due to the never-ending effort of brewers, the way to enjoy Sake is getting diversified.
Let’s get to know the features of the specialized Sake and recommended labels.
The taste of Sake is normally delicate, so most of specialized Sake is very strong and rich type.
Sanin Togo Kimoto Junmai Genshu
by Fukura Shuzo in Tottori
The taste is very complex and sweet Sake. It’s also delicious with drinking as hot Sake, but you can enjoy the intense sweetness and Umami, even though you add some soda.
Sasaiwai Sake High Ball
by Sasaiwai Shuzo in Niigata
It’s Fusushu grade Sake. So, this label is very reasonable. When you the Sake of Niigata, you can imagine the clean and dry taste.
This Sake is one of the typical Niigata’s Sake. But, the higher alcohol promotes the much drier finish. It’s little difficult to drink straight, but soda makes the taste much smoother and refreshing.
by Manazuru Shuzo in Fukui
It’s a sweet and aromatic type Sake for Sake Highball. The ABV is relatively lower, but it’s very rich as proven by its high SMV and Acidity. It’s just like an extract of fruits.
How to drink
・Golden ratio
Sake : Soda = 5 : 5 or 6 : 4
・Add Sake any time you like
Ice cubes make the taste of Sake blur. If you think it’s little taste, add some Sake. Feel free!
・Add lemon
Just do as same as Whiskey with Soda.
Some Sake freaks enjoy Cloudy Sake with Soda. The taste of cloudy sake is of cause richer than regular Sake. There’s no way it can pair with soda.
Of cause, you can try Sake with soda with the general lineups. Let’s take a look at the features and select suitable Sake.
Followings are recommended labels for Sake with soda.
Let’s find the own way to appreciate Sake!