


Halloween is a Western festival and you may think there is no relationship between Halloween and sake. However, it is said that Halloween used to be a religious festival to celebrate the harvest in autumn.

In the sake industry, autumn is a very important season to harvest rice and start brewing. To commemorate Halloween and the harvest season, a promotion has just started!

From 22 Oct to 15 Nov, all customers have a chance to win a brand new label of sake. When you invite your friend to SAKEMARU and the invitee subscribes in this period, you can get a bottle of sake from the following 2 choices:



Period: 22 Oct – 15 Nov 2017

Sake for reward:

  1. Chomonkyo Tokubetsujunmai Isehikari:

    This is their challenging label produced with non-agrochemical rice. “Isehikari” is the brand name of this rice and grown by the local farmer.

    The rich and dry aftertaste is the characteristic of this label. You will never be tired of drinking this type of sake.

  2. Santohka Junmaiginjo:

    Aroma is slightly fruity and the texture is very smooth like spring water. The balance of sweetness, sourness, bitterness is well organized. Toward to the end, it’s possible to enjoy umami influenced by rice.

Delivery: 25 Nov 2017

How to invite:

  1. Login
  2. Go to your personal page
  3. Click the banner on the top
  4. You can have your own invite URL
  5. Share the URL with your friends