1 Oct is the World Sake Day which is the opening of the new brewery year, and it’s one of the most critical days for the people related in the Sake industry. We’ve renewed the logo on this important day. We haven’t talked what SAKEMARU means, but SAKEMARU is written as 酒丸 in Chinese character.
酒 means Sake, 丸 means the Japanese national flag. Sake is the alcohol originated in Japan. It represents the traditional culture of Japan and spirits. To emphasize and address our mission to make Sake the world standard directly, we changed the logo.

Also, the new logo is inspired by the traditional Japanese seal, 判子(Hanko). We redesign this conventional culture with the modern concept. That’s exactly what we are doing in SAKEMARU.
Lastly, Hanko is the mark of proof. We guarantee the quality of service with this new logo. SAKEMARU produced bar will open on 20 Oct. Your continuous support would be greatly appreciated!