
Taxi Driver Pairing with Camembert Cheese Fried Roll with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Taxi driver has a very strong umami and sourness. Owing to its richness, it is also straightforward to pair with oily food with an intensive taste. Please enjoy the marriage between cheese and taxi driver. The sourness of the taxi driver and fresh tomato sauce kill the oil and clear the mouth.

Ingredients (2)

8 slices Pork shoulder
Little salt
Little pepper
4 Japanese Basil (Shiso)
125g Camembert cheese
2 Tbsp flour
1 egg
6 Tbsp breadcrumbs

150g Cherry tomato
2/3 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp olive oil

How to Cook

1) Pour salt and pepper on both sides of slices of pork shoulder
2) Roll Japanese Basil (Shiso) and Camembert cheese with slices of pork shoulder
3) To fry, put flour, egg, and breadcrumbs on 2)
4) Fry 3) for about 4 minutes at 170℃
5) Chop cherry tomatoes and combine them with salt and olive oil