Establishment 1885
Located in IKUJI KUROBE, surrounded by natural environment such as TOYAMA bay, famousfor high quality seafood, and TATEYAMA mountain, one of the highest mountain in Japan. Their sake is brewed with the super transparent spring water awarded “100 finest water in Japan”. MIKUNIHARE SHUZO is the only brewery “100 finest water” wells up.

To offer good SAKE for all the customers, MIKUNIHARE SHUZO does not produce normal SAKE. All the SAKE they produce is high grade using well polished brewery rice. They also cooperate with farmers closely to try to produce brewery rice which can best match with their finest water.
Also, they have very strong commitment on processing raw materials which is the foundation of brewing. They believe sticking to basics leads to improve the quality of SAKE.
・Awarded gold prize of Japan new SAKE contest 2013
・Wine class delicious SAKE award 2011,2012,2013
Use only local brewery rice to match with water selected 100 best water in Japan. To brush the quality up, closely cooperate with farmers.
The water used for the entire brewing process is super transparent spring water selected ``100 finest water`` in Japan. MIKUNIBARE SHUZO is the last brewery ``100 finest water`` wells up. The snow-melted water of TATEYAMA mountain range turns to be ground water, and flows into 120m underground of this brewery.
It is very important to utilize the latest technology, but the technology does not work well with low quality materials. Therefore, careful processing of low materials is necessary to maximize the power of technology. For example, the subtle change of water to steep rice gives huge effect to quality of SAKE, so that keep trying to find be better amount.
The brewing needs to adopt the climate changing every year. Since tiny difference in all step makes huge effect to the taste of SAKE, we have to be very careful and flexibly take actions. Of course technology is improved and quantifying the success of brewing, however, the human use the finest tech must deeply understand the environment in brewery and master the brewing data.